Co-Pruduction of the Creative and TV Network Take a Take
His Excellency is a film about blackmail three days after the end of an election campaign. The issue of corruption in politics has been enriched by the issue of pedophilia, treated broadly, as a psychopathology, beyond prejudices. Pedro besides being a carrier of the disease, is also a victim of the career he chose and of his wife, Celina, who feeds his disorder and thus keeps him stuck aside and his status in power.
Direction: Hamilton Rosa Jr e Pedro Lopes
Script: Jean Caetano
Director of Photography: Miguel Rodrigues
Art Director: Fernanda Paixão
Casting Associate: Pedro Lopes
Cast: Mario Morhle, Nelly Trindade, Fernanda Paixão, Anderson Dornelles, Miguel Rodrigues e Leandra Aieedo.
Edition: Hamilton Rosa Jr.