Tag Line: In Ostentação, friendship has a price: blood, gold and gunpowder.
Format: Feature film - 100 minutes / Tart wit with a lot of action and crime.
Log Line: Three childhood friends find an overturned car with some injured bandits and a bag containing a few million. They decide to flee with the money and keep this secret, but they did count on a sadistic survivor.
References: "Breaking Bad", "Better Call Saul", "The Sopranos", "Snatch: Pigs and Diamonds", "Checkmate".
Target audience: Main age group: from 15 to 25 / Secondary: 26 to 45 years / Minimum age: 14 years / Social class: A, B and C; It is primarily aimed at young audiences, who enjoy dramatic action, police, suspense, comedy films and are fans of MCs, funk music, youtubers and gamers, since the title refers to a trend, but brings in its plot a serious dramatic charge, exploring far beyond the literal meaning of the title, culminating in a film for the general public, regardless of age, economic or cultural situation.
Synopsis: Accustomed to boasting what does not belong to them, the childhood friends, Kid, Granada and Leonardo, set out on a 50 km walk to pay a promise. In the middle of the night, on a curve in the road, the three friends find an overturned car with 4 men inside. When trying to help the only survivor, they realize that it is an escape car with 4 bandits and 5 million. Money is shared between friends... And so are the consequences. The idea of not showing the money so as not to attract attention does not work very well and some murders occur. Bandits and innocent people will lose their lives for the benefit of a few million. Kangaroo, the only survivor of the overturned car, has a mission to recover the money and kill the boys. However, exactly in this troubled phase of their lives, when boys try to survive and protect money, some revelations put friendships in check. Personal conflicts and character transformations end up separating a childhood union. Surviving is expensive. Leaving unscathed is priceless.