DÚDÚ - The Series
Season one - 12 episodes - 24 minutes
Children's Fiction Series - Educational
Logline -
Dúdú is a 6 year old black boy who, with his questioning way, looks for answers to the most diverse subjects. With a light approach and a Dúdú, with two accent marks, means BLACK, in Yourubá language, as it is explained in one of the episodes and in the short that originated the series. It represents the understanding and acceptance of the protagonist's identity. Therefore, "Dúdú" happens to be more than a series told from the perspective of a child and becomes a story told from the perspective of a black child.
In this series we will show the universe of DÚDÚ, a middle class black boy who has curiosity, intelligence and sensitivity as his greatest qualities. The only son of MARTA, a woman who had her husband murdered in an
episode of racism. A theme that, incidentally, is the starting point and one of the main conflicts of the season. A theme still current treated from the perspective of a child. A simple, true and emotional storyline for audiences of all ages and capable of captivating and speaking to the most diverse audiences. There is no greater sincerity than that of a child, right? So no one better than one of them to talk about issues such as identity, appreciation of culture and race.
And why, Dúdú? ?
childs perspective, themes such as racism, social differences, culture, identity, family, among others are explored.
Roteiro: Cleber Marques
Direção: Miguel Rodrigues
Produção executiva: Leandra Aieedo
Contato: 011 98775-8808 / 011 98480-1032/ 011 3666-2452