Our history starts back in 2005 with our leading characters ELIZABETH, LUCAS and DANIEL and their love and existential conflicts. Through them we will discuss several behaviors ABOUT LOVE - the affective love, self-love, sexuality, selfishness, jealousy and several issues in such universe. To what extent is fidelity more important than loyalty in a relationship? Do you become a villain for cheating the person you have a relationship with or this is part of a primitive human instinct? Is it possible to love more than one person at the same time? Love builds, but can it also destroy when one can’t love? This all discussed in a modern and current fashion, approaching the viewer to the reality that surrounds everyone or displayed on the Internet, newspapers and magazines. The three characters will experience situations and upheavals that will lead them and the audience to question the several forms of relationship. These characters will conduct the plot through a series of events. The years pass by and the last episode of the season ends in the actual times open for possible new seasons if required.
Weekly Series – Comedy 24 minutes
Creation: Ely Barbosa / Direction: Miguel Rodrigues
Juliano is a young Biology teacher of the suburbs of São Paulo that, driven by the strong desire to defend his master’s degree thesis at USP, moves to a small apartment in the city district of Butantã, a place carefully chosen to ease his life of high school teacher and master degree student. His goal is clear and fair, however, fate reserves him some surprises. After an unexpected home accident, he is required to divide the privacy of his small apartment with Magda, a beautiful young woman with personality opposing to his. To face his challenge, Juliano will count on his friend and shield-bearer Chicão, and the clunky building doorman, Jacobino. Juliano must find a way to overcome the distractions and carry on pursuing his goal or he’ll have to do something more challenging: check his principles.
Channels- Multi Show, Comedy Central , Fox
Cast: Pamela Otero, Luiz Fernando Vaz, Renato Cruz, Mario Mohrle e Olivetti Herrera.
Executive Production: Leandra Aieedo and Miguel Rodrigues
Art Direction and Costume: Leandra Aieedo
Director Assistant: Olivetti Herrera
Soundtrack: Rafael Righini (Fator R Produções)
Marketing Director: Davi Carvalho (All Senses)